Everyone has a story. A few years ago I wrote a poem called "Everyone Has a Story". It was about walking past people and making a quick judgement,and really knowing nothing about them. In our busy world we seem to make lots of snap judgements without knowing the entire picture or even waiting for a glimpse into some one's life. I know lots of people that many of you would walk past, probably not even finding them worthy enough for a greeting, that are genuinely good people, who have stories to tell. Many times it appears to me that we only make time for people we judge worthy based solely of their looks or material possessions they surround themselves with on a daily basis. There is a little bar in our small town that I really like to go to once in awhile and I'll tell you why. As soon as you walk into the door everyone is equal and everyone is your friend. I really like that feeling. I can stop in there in my sweat pants and old tee shirt and my trade mark flip flops and be treated right. Many, as they read this will already start making judgements about being in a bar. One reason I was in the bar last night was to check on a friend who is planning a benefit for a children's hospital. Yes folks, people that you may not give the time of day have spent months planning a benefit for a children's hospital. So, I ask you at this point? How many charity events have you pulled off in the last month while you walked past people you deemed unworthy? I learned at an early age that not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, a Volvo in the driveway of a stately home. Some of us have had to work for what we have and some of us seem to never get a break. Don't judge until you hear our story, and if you don't have time for that story then please hold off on any judgement. My poem goes like this: Everyone Has a Story
Everyone has a story, or so they say,
The man at the gas station, the woman at the grocery store, the elderly couple
holding hands at the park.
Everyone has a story, or so they say.
Everyone has regrets, not many, but some so deep, deep and dark like the
the river that flows through the small mountain town.
Everyone has a story, or so they say.
Everyone remembers that first kiss, that special summer, holding hands, and
lightening bug jars.
Everyone has a story, or so they say.
Everyone knows of broken hearts, scars that never heal, our song, old songs,
drive-in movies and classic old cars.
Everyone has a story or so they say of times that could have been, places
never visited, lost loves, broken fences, burnt bridges and lost lives.
Everyone has a story , or so they say.
The man at the gas station, the woman at the grocery store, the elderly couple
holding hands in the park.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Plain Pasta and Artichoke Hearts
I can't remember how many weeks I've been eating my low fat, low cholesterol diet but I'm sick of it. I'm doing it, but I AM SICK OF IT!!!!! Breakfast is cereal, egg beaters, turkey bacon, whole wheat bagels, low fat cream cheese or something else that slightly resembles food. Lunch is a tuna sandwich, Greek Yogurt, a fruit, and a diet drink. Dinner is just plain ridiculous. Last night Rob made this pasta dish that had vegetables in it. That was it, pasta and vegetables. Rob informed me today that it had lots of garlic and artichoke hearts. No meat, no sauce, nothing resembling food, again. You think I would be losing weight but I don't think I am and I don't know if this diet is even helping anything. I knew I was over the deep end today when a student ask me if I was eating pudding and I informed him it was yogurt and made him look at the nutritional information on the side of the container. I think the kids liked me better when I ate pizza and M&M's for lunch. I started thinking what if this diet does make me live a lot longer and this is my life, plain pasta and artichoke hearts. What if there is a conspiracy between Rob and my doctors to drive me crazy, well maybe crazier. First, I had to limit my diet pop, next it was M&M's, remember one doctor told me to only eat 25 M&M's. Then, it was this diet thing. I think somewhere in there Rob made me quit smoking and drinking. OK, so the smoking ended abruptly in college when Rob made me quit, but I still have withdrawal symptoms. I haven't totally quit drinking because I heard it would help with cholesterol. The two doctors and husband also thought I needed anger management and learn to bitch less. Now really, who was that for, certainly not me. So, here I am craving brownies, pizza, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, and bacon. I mean lots of bacon. I did the anger management thing and that only gave me one more thing to be angry about. I have quit bitching since I've been on this diet, because I'm too weak. Oh, I forgot about the fat free potato chips Rob bought me. Now those are really tasty morsels. I haven't had french fries in weeks, either. So I guess at some point I have to decide how healthy I want to be and how long I want to live. I think I'm going to cheat a little bit tonight but don't tell anyone. I really try to keep my life very private.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I Might Burn on the Stake
My first year of teaching my principal called me Joan of Arc. I asked him why? He said because you are always on a mission to do the right thing but you will probably burn at the stake some day. I took that as a compliment. One of my favorite Jr. High teachers wrote in my yearbook "To the defender and cheerleader of the underdog." Guess what? I also took that as a compliment. So, during my career and even now 30 years later, I'm still the defender and cheerleader of the under dogs. You know who I'm talking about, the kids with the wrong addresses, parents in the wrong professions, houses and bank accounts not large enough. Some of them may have physical, emotional or academic disabilities. Some where along the line, at a young age, I felt it was my job to take up for kids that no one else cares about. As I have said before, it always shocks me that people who claim to be religious or Christians can play favorites and discriminate, but I sadly see it everyday. They will claim to love and care about kids but what they really should say is I love and care about my kids and kids that I deem worthy. I have a feeling that many of them wouldn't have deemed me worthy when I was little because I was from a working class family in the little town of Rowlesburg. I see people that don't even bother to learn kids names or anything about them unless they meet their preconceived standards. Honestly, Abraham Lincoln, raised in a log cabin, wouldn't have made their cut. They judge kids on their clothes, hair, parent's salaries, their address and homes. It is really very sad. After 30 years, I just don't get how you can say one kid is better than another kid. They haven't even had time to prove themselves, yet. I have lived long enough to see so called "elite" kids end up in the gutter and so called "throw away"kids become highly educated, successful, contributing members of society. Anyway, who are we to judge? Honestly, there are times I'm at our beach house that I look like a bum, well a beach bum, but a bum. Funny, I am secure enough that I don't care what other people think. Kids are a different story. Most kids aren't tough and weathered, yet. They know when they are being screwed over, ignored, feed the scrapes, treated differently, and guess what? IT HURTS!!! People think I'm too blunt at times. When you are playing favorites, discriminate, play your little "me and my kids are better than you" game, kids know it, people are watching, and I'm going to be blunt. God is watching and if I were God, I really don't think you will feel very comfortable in heaven with us poor, disabled, "not as good as you" bums. Jesus really didn't get along with the rich and powerful pharaohs. He mingled among the poor, handicapped and broken hearted. I might burn on the stake but I don't think I'll be burning in hell with some people.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My Best Friend Kim
Kim is my best friend because she has been my friend forever. We have been best friends since she moved next door when Charlotte, Charlene and Brenda Hart moved to Bridgeport. Kim and I were in the same class at Rowlesburg School. We share things that other people never shared with us and are probably happy they didn't. First, we had this song we sang every evening when we went inside for the evening. It went something like this ...... See you tomorrow, tomorrow morning, 5 after 8 in the morning, when we'll be together all day long in that prison, prison, prison camp. You guessed it prison camp was school and I'm still there. Kim isn't. School started at 8:30. Guess what? Preston County Schools came up with this really novel idea of starting school next year at 8:30. More about me and Kim. We did crazy things. One day we decided to paint part of Kim's parent's house basement. We didn't ask. We just did it. Then there were those summer camp outs. How can we forget the night that Kim fell in the river during a sleep out and we went to the laundromat to dry her clothes? She stood in the corner in her underwear while her clothes went round and round. I cant remember where we got the money for the machines. Kim and I can still make each other laugh until we cry. We use to swim in the river together. Kim worried about her hair. I didn't. We walked to town together and bought candy. We rode our bikes together. Kim use to talk to me about all her boyfriends and made me watch for them to come outside in our neighborhood. I thought she was crazy then and I still do. Kim once informed me that she was never going to "do it". I guess she did because she has two kids. We use to fish behind our houses in Rowlesburg in the Cheat River and catch the same fish over and over. It seemed fun. Kim still fishes and told me I have to fish with her when I retire. We use to do dumb things at school. I know that is hard to believe but we did. One day when a teacher was out of the room, Kim crawled under his desk and then made faces at us when he came back in the room. It took awhile for him to realize that she was missing. Our teenage years were interesting to say the least but the is a blog all of its own. For now let's just say there were lots of trips up the road to Cool Springs, Big Bob's, and the Roller Rink. We attended each others weddings. Kim was a bridesmaid in mine. We've watched our kids grow up and now Kim has a grandchild. On my dresser in the bedroom is a picture of Kim and me in first grade in a frame that says Best Friends. We have on little plaid dresses and short blonde hair. We look happy. Kim gave me that frame with the photo on my 50th birthday. I don't know where the years have gone but we can still make each other laugh like it was yesterday.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spring Cleaning
OK, so maybe this isn't a really exciting topic but spring does always make me feel like cleaning, de-junking, opening up windows and getting rid of things. Today, with the help of family, was a very good start. First, we give our desk top computer, that we no longer use, away to a family that has never had a computer. Two, Rob and Justin carried the computer desk out of the upstairs room to a spot under the shed where it is ready for pick up by another family. Three, I started washing curtains and airing out the house. I have been told that getting the clutter out of your home is great for your mental and spiritual health. It feels the mind and spirit. I really believe this. Stuff can really bog you down, especially in later years. I also continued tonight to clean some of the clothes out of my closet to give away. This weekend is clean up days in Rowlesburg so Rob and I will make a sweep through the house and garage and take things to the dumpster that aren't use able to anyone. We worked under the shed a few weekends ago and got rid of some things. I really do think it is better to give than to receive. I find great pleasure in finding new homes for things I no longer need. I have found face book a wonderful place to find homes for things that we no longer want or need. This phase of life that we are in now has a great deal to do with simplifying our life. Less things means less things to clean, move, store and deal with. This is going to be a long process because after the house is simplified, next will be the attic and storage building. I can't even remember everything that is in the attic but it must not be very important because I've been living without it for awhile. You will also realize during this de-junking and simplifying process that many things you thought you needed you really didn't. I've also started cleaning out my classroom cabinets and desk drawers. Teachers are some of the worst people I know to hoard junk because we are never given any money for supplies. I recommend spring cleaning, de-junking, simplifying, giving away, and hauling away junk to everyone, and what a better time to start than a beautiful spring day.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thoughts for Easter
A few thoughts for Easter. I was chatting with Robin about Easter today. We shared a few common opinions about Jesus. The first was he got out there. We both agreed that meant he got out among the people. He didn't hang out in the temple and preach to the choir, as the say. Jesus went out among the sick. poor, unbelievers and sinners. He was a rebel who stood many times alone for what he believed in. Jesus was not a wealthy person but shared with all everything he had. At times, I think the greatest lesson that we can take from Easter is that of coming back after what seems impossible odds. I think at times many of us feel crucified and as my Grandmother always said "We all have our crosses to bare." I think at times the best things that we can do is to be more Christ like. With that statement made, I mean to get out there and help out those who really need help. Witness with deeds not self righteous statements and judgements. I also think maybe baring our crosses with more dignity and helping others bare their crosses that closely resemble our crosses. I think to admit to others we have burdens without whining or drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves can free us to help others as well as freeing others to realize they are not alone. One of Jesus sole purposes was to let us know that we are not alone, yet we let others suffer needlessly by not being accepting, understanding, caring or giving in their time of need. I am not a regular church attending person but feel more compelled to be out among the people. One night at a local small town bar, a former student came up to me and asked me to pray for another former student. Many would not agree with my next statement and possibly be even judgemental but I felt the presence of God at that moment. I think trying to do the right thing is a 7 day a week 24 hour a day job and I don't think we all have to do it the same way. If Jesus had just hung out at the temple most of the time, what would have changed and would he have really made anyone mad or changed anyone? I don't claim to know the answers, in fact I ask a lot of questions. Jesus did not have blind faith. In fact, he questioned everyone and everything going on in the world during his time, but he made time for the least desirable people of his time, the crippled, the sick, the weak, the poor, the nonbelievers and the sinners. What do we do on a typical day? Who do we make time for? What would Jesus want us to do on those other 6 days? Just a few thoughts for Easter.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Poor little tree frog .......
I was checking my e-mail this morning when Jane announced that she had found "Tree Frog". I knew it probably wasn't good, for although Jane is very brave and has very much a pioneer spirit, she would not respond so melancholy if she had seen "Tree Frog" and he had still been alive. Poor little "Tree Frog" was under the hall table at the foot of the stairs all sprawled out and looking rather dehydrated. I keep my flip flops there so he probably became exposed when a grabbed a pair this morning. I don't know if he jumped over there because it was a cool spot or because he felt closer to me among my flip flops. Anyway, "Tree Frog" is officially dead. I had hoped he would find a way out even though Dan predicted his demise. I, always the optimist, hopes for the best. I do hope that this proves to everyone that there really was a tree frog. That "Tree Frog" was not a delusional psychotic episode in Debra's mind. I also want everyone to know that Jane remarked how LARGE that "Tree Frog" appeared, even though he had lost most of his body weight due to starvation and dehydration. Robin could more than sympathize with me about how traumatic this entire episode has been for me and how much anxiety it has created in my life the past month. We are planning a memorial service tomorrow morning and "Tree Frog" will be buried in the corner of the yard where Flip and Flop reside. Robin, the most religious one of us here, will conduct the service. Rob will dig and prepare the grave. Jane will provide counseling to me during and after the service. Once again, as Rob would say, even though "Tree Frog" is dead this has somehow become all about me. "Tree Frog" would want it that way.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I can't win with Chris
I try to be enlightening and refreshing and Chris face books me and tells me I'm being too touchy, warm and fuzzy. He informed me that I needed to get back to WV and the real me. The REAL ME!!! I have a highly qualified and respected shrink trying to figure me out. It is not a fun job for him or me. But.......(as I posted on fb today) LADY GAGA'S "I Was Born This Way". I was rather damaged by three brothers who felt the need to tease me, hang my dolls, steal my Barbies,and torture me with snakes they carried around in their pockets. I never had a sister so everything in our house was male oriented except for my bedroom which had pink shag carpeting, white furniture, and girl stuff. I also had a little TV in my room where I could watch my own TV shows like Medical Center with Chad Everett, who I had a big crush on along with Bobby Sherman. I had a poster of Bobby Sherman on my wall, which David hated. He loved Marsha on the Brady Bunch. Maybe that is part of my problem, the shows I watched on TV. I always wanted to be Ginger on Gulligan's Island and Jeannie on I Dream of Jeannie and Samantha on BeWitched. Really the list is endless and they are all kind of delusional, unrealistic characters. Then I kind of moved on to Rock Music and I wanted to be Cher, Stevie Nicks, Janice Joplin, etc. Maybe Chris, I live in the Land of Delusion, maybe that is why I'm always venting. Sometimes I really think I was a Princess or Queen in a past life. Julie gave me that idea one day when she said she is sure that we shared a past life. I'm kind of sure that I was meant to be royalty although others just don't get it. So Chris, you never really know what kind of Debra is going to pop up, but I will be back to WV soon and I'm sure someone will piss me off not too long after I get there. Boy, sometimes I really wish I was Samantha on Bewitched.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Just to save everyone younger than me some time
After some thought and discussion today with a couple of friends, we came upon these discoveries. What you thought was important say on Tuesday may not be on Thursday. If you plan to play by the rules, remember that the rules may change at anytime. What other people think is right for you may not be at all. What seemed like a good plan in your 20's may not seem so great in your 50's. It is OK to change your mind. Don't get hung up on stuff. It is just that, stuff. You can loose stuff quickly during a natural disaster. The older you get all that stuff looses its appeal, and it is really difficult to store it and keep track of it all. My Dad always told me not to marry a house. I see his point the older I get. I love my house in Rowlesburg but there are "miles to go and promises to keep before I sleep." Don't expect everyone to think like you do, they won't. You will always wish you knew 10 years ago what you know now. At 50 or so you will really wish you took a little better care of your body. You will look at your wedding picture sometime in middle age and try to remember looking that young. You will wish you spent a lot less time cleaning and more time making messes. You will be glad at 50 you did those dumb things with your friends when you were a kid because you sure are too tired for that now. You will always remember your first kiss, your favorite teacher, your first car, and that boy you shouldn't have dated. You will wonder what you were thinking when you got your hair cut like that, and why you bought that outfit. If you are lucky, you will fall passionately in love with your own child, you will walk barefoot in the sand, make a snowman with your grand kids, and remain close to your childhood friends.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I'm glad I'm not famous
I'm glad I'm not famous for many reasons. One, I don't photograph well. Two, I do hair and make up less and less and I probably need it more and more. I hate those shots photographers get of celebrities when they are headed to the 7-Eleven late at night for Ben&Jerry's. I can just imagine me in my fuzzy WVU flip flop slippers, purple snow flake PJ's, my "wonder coat" (as Rob and Justin call it), and no makeup being caught by the paparazzi at Charlie's Market in Rowlesburg. The next day I would be splashed across the Yahoo news banner. Three, on our travel days I tend to dress way down, as in no one knows me here, so who cares. I don't have to worry if I'll be spotted by a local newspaper photographer when I slip into a Travel Plaza bathroom and then see my photo on the front of the National Enquire the next day with the title, "What is Debra running from?" Four, The notorious restaurant photo that celebrities have to worry about, which is why you always see them eating a small piece of watercress, I do not have to worry about at all. I can blog about dieting, high cholesterol,etc. and not worry that a photographer is going to snap a photo of me as I shove that piece of fried chicken into my mouth at The Old House Restaurant in Walterboro, SC. No one knows me and they really don't care if it looks like I may be in the process of packing on a few more for the Gipper. Five, photographers love to photograph celebrities in high fashion. My clothes shout me, right from the clearance rack of Walmart. I do try to match colors and even throw on a beaded necklace that matches from the 50 cent beads I buy from Stacy. Six, I refuse to wear high heels that photograph so well, but I always put on my shoes before leaving the car. I would love to seriously write someday but I fear becoming a celebrity and all the paparazzi that hangs around Rowlesburg.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wait a minute, I'd better read this.
The oldest man just died. He was 114 years old. He had some words of wisdom. I thought I'd better read his advice. The following are his biggies ....... #1 Embrace change !!! I am fairly good at this one. I actually like change. I change my hair color and cut often. I have moved around in teaching jobs. I move furniture around. I change my jewelry everyday. I recently changed some of my eating habits. I've learned some technology during this technology revolution. I like changing other people's minds. I change my weight frequently. I like a frequent change in administrators. Change is good. #2 Eat two meals a day!! Screw that!! I really haven't mind up my mind if I want to live to 114 anyway. #3 Work as long as you can !! Does working on my blog, tanning and fb count? If not, I'm screwed again. #4 Help others !!!! I'm great at this and I give free advice too. #5 Accept death!! Honestly, this use to be something I worried about endlessly, dying. Not any more. I have no idea why, except for the fact that I just know it is coming (hopefully not soon) and I feel like I've spread enough of my opinions around that they will take hold somewhere. I can't decide about my final arrangements. One day I think cremation and throw the ashes in Cheat River and the Atlantic Ocean. Then I think I really want a large burial plot with a really big monument. As I advised before, don't leave your plans up to your kids. I just don't know what I would look like at 114 and if anyone would still think I was amusing. What do you do when you are 114? The kids at school call me Grandma now. What would they call me at 114? Will I still have teeth? Hair? A sex life? Will M&M's still taste good? Will Rob still be able to wait on me?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I had a discussion at school today with someone who had a disagreement with their husband over an issue. First, imagine that, disagreeing with your husband. Second, I agreed with the wife so time for another blog, imagine that. The big disagreement was whether a person should intervene or interject their opinion if they think a parent is putting their child in harms way. We were for interjecting. Her husband was for minding your own business. So here goes. The husband felt, that say for example, an intoxicated father puts his young son on his motorcycle with him, that it is his business and others should stay out of it. I equated that scenario with, if you saw a drowning child in the river should you turn your head because the parents must want them there. I don't know a nice way to say this and as I have said before some people need to be insulted and what a better person than myself to do it or some of my friends, who will remain nameless. There are people who should never have been parents. There are parents who are idiots. My shrink tells me not to use the word idiot. I think that was after I called him an idiot. OK, back to parents who are idiots, putting a child on a motorcycle with you when you are drunk is stupid, illegal and wrong. Driving drunk with children is stupid, illegal and wrong. Letting kids ride without car seats or seat belts is stupid, illegal and wrong. I make adults put their seat belts on in my car. Giving a baby or child an alcoholic beverage is illegal and wrong, as well as cigarettes or any tobacco product. Everyday, I see people doing dangerous and stupid things to and with their children. I speak up. I encourage others to speak up. I can't imagine how anyone could feel it was alright to stay out of someones business and an innocent child die. So beware stupid parents there are some of us that will speak up and we don't care if we hurt your feelings or it is any of our business. If you don't want people in your business don't do dangerous, stupid things to your children or things that may endanger their lives. So, 1 for the wife, 0 for the husband. By the way, I heard you slept in the garage last night.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
One Happy Momma Tonight
This is one of my absolutely, positively, favorite days of the year. Today was the first really warm day, that gives true hope that spring is here and summer is on her way. 80 plus degrees, sunny and a light breeze. Rob and I spent almost the entire afternoon outside in the backyard. First, Rob uncovered the patio and yard furniture, while I supervised placement. I raked part of the yard, while Rob cut the grass for the first time. Then I cleaned flower beds and swept out under the shed porch. The smell of cut grass and folks barbequing can set my heart to soaring. Next, was a little picnic lunch outside on the table with a beautiful spring, mountain view. A girl's work is never done so on to bagging yard debris and getting out a few yard decorations and wind chimes. Rob was getting tired so we decided to take a break and see what Cassie and Justin were into at their end of the street. Justin had taken a gun class today and Cassie was left home to clean. She will learn one of there days to plan her own activities when Justin plans his for the day. A few minutes of chatting with them and playing with Buster and back down the street we headed for more work. I took a few items of clothing off the line that I wanted to air dry in the warm breeze and headed inside to start dinner. We are trying a new recipe tonight and having Justin and Cassie down for Sunday dinner. Dinner is now in the oven. Rob and I are chillin' on the couch. It is still light outside at 7:30, warm, and the windows are opened. I am one happy Momma tonight.
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Act of Giving in Rowlesburg
It is no secret that West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the country. It is also no secret that Preston County is a fairly poor county in WV and that Rowlesburg in Preston County is not very wealthy either. What people may not know about is the generosity of the people in Rowlesburg. It always amazes me that the people who have the least, give the most and give freely. Tonight in
Rowlesburg, for instance, Brandy, an AmericorpVolunteer, is hosting a Dance for Hunger. The entrance fee is nonperishable food for the town's food pantry. She planned it so the first two hours are for kids and the last three hours are for adults. I told her I thought it was a good idea to include the kids for part of the dance. I meant it would also give them something to do on a Friday night. She said that she thought the kids needed to learn about giving and that there is always someone out there that has less than you, so that is why she was including them. So, on this evening when the government in our country can't decide what to do, a small economically strapped little community in one of the poorest counties, in one of the poorest states in our country seems to have figured out what to do. You take care of your own. You give what you can or maybe even more. You donate, you give away and you feel blessed in the process. So why is this such a difficult process for the wealthiest and most affluent people in our country, the folks that are always trying to get out of paying taxes and using their power to make things only better for themselves? Some would say trying to increase your power and wealth is the American way, but is that really what are forefathers had in mind? Can America really be a great country with only the powerful rich? I don't know, but I think it might do many politicians a world of good tonight to take a little side trip to Rowlesburg, bringing with them 7 nonperishable food items, and spending a night dancing with me at the fire hall for "Dance Out Hunger".
Rowlesburg, for instance, Brandy, an AmericorpVolunteer, is hosting a Dance for Hunger. The entrance fee is nonperishable food for the town's food pantry. She planned it so the first two hours are for kids and the last three hours are for adults. I told her I thought it was a good idea to include the kids for part of the dance. I meant it would also give them something to do on a Friday night. She said that she thought the kids needed to learn about giving and that there is always someone out there that has less than you, so that is why she was including them. So, on this evening when the government in our country can't decide what to do, a small economically strapped little community in one of the poorest counties, in one of the poorest states in our country seems to have figured out what to do. You take care of your own. You give what you can or maybe even more. You donate, you give away and you feel blessed in the process. So why is this such a difficult process for the wealthiest and most affluent people in our country, the folks that are always trying to get out of paying taxes and using their power to make things only better for themselves? Some would say trying to increase your power and wealth is the American way, but is that really what are forefathers had in mind? Can America really be a great country with only the powerful rich? I don't know, but I think it might do many politicians a world of good tonight to take a little side trip to Rowlesburg, bringing with them 7 nonperishable food items, and spending a night dancing with me at the fire hall for "Dance Out Hunger".
Monday, April 4, 2011
OK, this would probably be considered a lecture
This morning my students and I were talking about the animal shelter needing donations and one student said they didn't want to donate if it was a kill shelter. Perfect teachable moment. I explained to my class that there wouldn't have to be kill or non kill shelters if people were responsible pet owners. Pet owners need to be responsible and get their animals spayed or neutered. Yes, this costs money but if you can't afford it then you can't afford a pet. I continued to share with my class. We recently took our cat, Midnight, to the vet. His yearly check ups with immunizations, wormer, etc. was $180.00. This is not inexpensive but this is the price of proper pet care, so I once again said to my class that if you can't afford to take your pets to the vet for their yearly check-ups and immunizations, you can't afford to own a pet. When I get on a roll, my kids know to just shut up and listen. So, I continued explaining to them that if you really love pets, you take care of them. You give them some place warm and safe to sleep. You feed them and exercise them, which doesn't mean chaining them outside to a post to run a round in circles for hours barking. You bring them inside when it is too cold or too hot. You take them to the vet when they are sick and for regular check-ups. Pets are not cheap disposable gifts you get your kids and then tie or pin them up outside when they aren't cute any longer. If you are on a fixed income, one pet is more than enough, if you care for it properly. If someone really loves animals and their pets they take care of them properly, making sure they have adequate food, water, shelter and proper medical care. Like many things in life people don't want to offend other people so we turn our heads when it comes to saying anything about how people do or don't take care of their pets. We need to start educating kids at a young age about the proper way to take care of pets and their parents, also. Sometimes, everyone just needs to speak up and not worry about offending someone, because clearly some people don't learn unless they are offended.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Little bit country/little bit rock and roll/ a lot of bit small town
So Justin a couple of summers ago started calling me his "white trash, hippy Momma". I think it was meant as a term of endearment but I'm not completely sure. We were all on the back patio drinking Coors Light long necks, laying out by our inflatable pool, and Justin was having me listen to Toby Keith's song, Trailer Hood. I admit that I was in my favorite tie dye cover up and was reading my latest Martha Stewart magazine and had just finished listening to Pat Benatar's greatest hits ('cause I know all the words). Anyway, everytime I watch the CMA's my white trash country side comes out. I'm not sure where this comes from but when you grow up in a small town in West Virginia with pick up trucks, swimming holes, fresh garden tomato sandwiches, and camp outs in the backyard. Honey, you have to be a little bit country. Now, the rock and roll. Well, I grew up in the 60's and 70's, thought I was a hippy and dreamed of being a rock and roll star. So, I can still sing those rock and roll songs, have my Beetle necklace in a safe place, and like dressing like a hippy a heck of a lot more than a teacher. The white trash comes from going to the store in my cleaning clothes and flip flops and stopping to talk to everyone on the way, the ability to sing Karoke in our small town bar, and make wind chimes out of beer cans (just kidding). This combination of just a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll, and a dash of white trash has always worked well for me. I'm not bragging but I can hold my own with big shot lawyers, bring administrators to tears, dance to dawn and know the difference between moonshine and champagne by just looking. I can bake a cake, dig a hole and shoot a gun. In the bottom of my closet are heels, work boots, flip flops, and Birks for school. Justin knows his Momma well and by the way, I traded in the inflatable pool for a beach house but you know I still kind of miss that pool.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
This may be a little scary
The following may be a little scary because this is everything that has been on my mind today and I have been else thinking about or researching on the net or actually doing. The following is in random order, as is my mind at most times. Pirates, as in the Pittsburgh Pirates. I am going to be a fan this year. I was checking out Matt Diaz after seeing the clip on yahoo of his gum incident and decided I like his style. I also really like underdogs, so what better team. Rob said he doesn't care because Baltimore isn't much better than Pittsburgh. Easter decorations and baskets. Cholesterol and low fat eating. See previous blog "This is just great." The song "The Story" which Sara Ramiraz sang on Grey's Anatomy Thursday night which is actually a song by Brandi Carlile, which was actually on a previous episode of Grey's Anatomy. I really like the song and want to get a copy and learn the lyrics so I can sing along. Brandy's psychology paper, which I'm helping her on for her class. I've also been thinking about everything that needs done on the house starting with giving a bunch of stuff away. The price of silver but more on that later. Baking a dessert that is lower in fat and healthier than the usual stuff I make. I've also been thinking about churches and religion today. I think the preacher in Florida that burnt the Koran and the Westboro Baptist Church are perfect examples of people who give organized religion a bad name. Wrapping gifts. Cutting my hair. I know again. I picked out a style last night with Cassie and I have to call Meloney to see when she can do it. I've been looking at real estate in Florida. I'm thinking I need a house with a pool. Jewelry and carpi's and flip flops. It is suppose to be at least 70 on Monday. Exercising, I didn't spend much time thinking about that. What Mom and Dad need. We got their mail and some food for them. Talked to my brother Rick. Making dinner for Cassie and Justin because Cassie is sick. Enough for today. I'm going to eat my low fat dessert with my low fat ice cream with my low fat husband.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Why Do I Blog
Justin suggested that I use this as my blog topic tonight. Why Do I Blog? I started blogging because Justin who said I was too old, boring, and technology challenged to have a Facebook page was writing way too much on Facebook. He suggested I start a blog about three months ago but also commented to Cassie that it wouldn't last. He made the same comment tonight about my new low fat, low cholesterol diet that I started today. I admit that I was eating M&M's when he came in but I don't think they have cholesterol in them. So I started blogging so I could elaborate on my opinions. I just didn't think people were getting a complete and through understanding of my opinions on Facebook. Blogging and journaling which I both do are good forms of therapy for me. I'm not sure why writing is good therapy but it is about having a forum for your thoughts and feelings and since I'm the quiet type verbally, journaling and blogging work well for me. It also gives others a chance to comment on my words of wisdom. I think some days there will be nothing I have to say but usually I find someone or something annoying enough to write about. Blogging is also a great way to keep my friends and probably more than a few enemies updated on my life. I like to be able to promote or keep others on the same page to eliminate any form of misinformation or gossip that is not accurate. I like people talking about me, I just want them talking about what I want them talking about me. I know that sounds controlling and it probably is but then again I am a teacher. I also blog for writing practice. My plans are to move to Florida and become a writer like Hemingway, but without the suicide or alcoholism. Plus some things like the tree frog just have to be shared. My twin brother, David thinks my blog borders on some type of cult activity but what people don't know is that he calls me nightly and begs me to put him in my blog. Now, where was I, my blog is about real life ---- life, death, happiness, sadness, frustration, joy, family, kids, circle of life. I think we need to read more about real, every day, ordinary people's lives. Some days I hope to inspire, others entertain, and some to just share. So three months later, thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, and thanks for following the journey of my life and thoughts. Now sit down, shut up and do something useful.
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