Sunday, August 14, 2011

100 Things I'm Not Going To Miss About School

1. Opening Day Meeting At PHS  2. Opening Day Picnic at PHS  3. Opening Day Grade Level Meetings 4. Beginning of the Year Staff Meeting  5. Going to School a week early to open up my classroom (unpaid) 6. Getting up early  7  Unpacking my room  8. In service meetings   9.  Insincere welcome back comments from colleagues  10. Sign in sheets  11. The question, "Did you have a nice summer?"  12. Cleaning out cabinets  13. Cleaning out my desk  14.  Counting out the million back to school forms for the kids  15.  The list of things I'm suppose to do before the kids come  16. Just one more staff meeting when I need to be in my classroom  17. Putting forms and books on the kid's desk  18. Trying to figure out what to wear  19. Reading all the polices on line, like "how to handle vomit" 20. Getting up and trying to do something with my hair at 6 in the morning  21. Trying to remember everything I need for the day at 6 in the morning  22. Hearing the alarm go off  23. Listening to administrators  24. Pretending like I'm listening to an administrator  25. Pretending like I'm paying attention during teacher's meetings  26. Trying to refrain from making a comment at a meeting when an administrator says something dumb  27. Trying to  refrain from making a comment when a teacher says something dumb  28. Being semi nice at 7 o'clock in the morning 29. Signing in a W on a sign in sheet, like people don't notice when I'm absent, especially an entire classroom full of kids 30. The ridiculous forms that end up in my mailbox  31. Putting on makeup before I'm awake  32. Answering Rob's questions before I am a wake  33. Lessons plans  34. Extended day meetings on Mondays  35. One more thing to teach 36. Scrubbing my classroom floor. 37. Not being able to go to the bathroom 38.  No toilet paper when I finally get to the bathroom 39. No paper towels when I finally get into the bathroom  40. The toilet not being bolted to the floor in the bathroom  41. Making copies  42.  Broken copiers  43. Lice checks  44. Being coughed on 45. cleaning up vomit  46. grading papers  47. bus duty  48. lunch duty  49. recess duty 50. inside recess duty  51. bag lunches 52. no lunch  53. short lunches  54. eating quickly 55. cleaning off my desk  56. cleaning my room  57. averaging grades  58. doing midterms  59. doing report cards  60. lunch count 61. attendance  62. collecting forms 63. putting forms in alphabetical order 64. fund raisers  65. substitute plans when I'm sick  66. begging for a day off when a family member dies  67. working late 68. grading papers on week nights late  69. giving up  my weekends to do school work 70. flu and cold season  71. tattling  72. teacher clothes  73. teacher holiday clothes  74. cleaning off my vehicle on snowy mornings  75. Trying to make it across the ice packed parking lot to the front door  76. Wearing  an ID tag  77.  Fire drills  78. Someone trying to tell me how to teach who hasn't taught for 30 years 79. Waiting for someone to decide whether to have school on snow days  80.  2 hr delays  81. Conferences  82. Meetings  83. Memos  84. The statement,  "The county office said"  85. Not being allowed to have an opinion  86. Someone throwing up on my desk  87. Faculty Senate Meetings 88. Buckwheat Week at KES  89. No place to park  90. Cleaning up after school parties  91. Listening to other teachers tell you how great they are  92. Training sessions  93. Snow day packets  94. Surveys  95. Announcements  96. School bus rides to anywhere  97. Team meetings  98. Anyone who thinks they are a specialists 99. Textbook trainings  100.  Did I mention administrators

1 comment:

  1. Bus duty deserves more fan fare than just being stuck in there at number 47!
    Enjoy your day tomorrow...I am planning to!
