Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Still looking for an answer

I just have to publicly ask myself a few questions? Why would a mayor and council favor a chronic complainer over a well established elderly couple in Rowlesburg? The chronic complainer has lived in Rowlesburg less than a decade or so and contributed little to the town. My parents have lived on Oak Street almost 60 plus years. My Dad always worked and my Mom was a stay at home housewife/mother. They taught Sunday School, volunteered at school and for community activities. My Dad was a scout master and my Mom was a UMYF leader. My Dad was a councilman and a park commissioner. They both volunteered countless hours to the Rowlesburg Park and town. The chronic complainer has made my elderly parents miserable with her bogus complaints and evil antics, yet the government of the town continues to cater to her and her demands. Last week she allowed folks to do what she complains about parking on the yellow, parking on the sidewalk, etc. I guess it was OK since she was reaping the fruits of free, charity labor. My brother was not allowed to park on Oak Street to visit his parents when he was dying from cancer because of her yellow lines and the other self proclaimed Christians on council supporting her. Why?  Why were the people last week allowed to break the laws but a man dying of cancer is shown no mercy? I have heard this women is a Christian. I don't believe it. I am more inclined to believe what someone else told me which is ... she uses God/Religion to con people to do things and get things. She is a church floator. Floating from one church to another, getting members to feel sorry for her and give her things, until they figure her out and then she moves on. That is not my definition of a Christian. My parents have belong to one church, Christ United Methodist, on Main Street in Rowlesburg, their entire marriage. She surrounds herself with no trespassing signs, security cameras, fences, and gates and blames others for her actions. I have talked to others she has manipulated and scammed. I have heard her husband described as a handicapped veteran. He may be a vet but he was not injured or wounded or handicapped because of his service. This is a total misrepresentation and a dishonor to those vets that were truly handicapped due to war injuries. They are system users and manipulators waiting for the next con or handout, so why would a town, reward such behavior and turn its back on my parents?  Any ideas because I just don't get it unless as my Dad said "Birds of a feather flock together."

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly who you're talking about! They'll talk nice to me to my face, then leave notes at our door or on our windshields, etc... Here's one for ya, Deb... our dog craps in the yard, and my wife and I clean up after him. He used to be walked in the graveyard, after he pooped, but not anymore, 'cause we got a NASTY LETTER from the "leaders" of this town,etc...Makes me want to move!!! p.s.... If your Mom and Dad ever need anything, let us know, o.k.?..... LOVE YOUR BLOGS!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!
    Scott and Cindy
