Many wonder how I can get into the Christmas spirit in Florida. I find it easy. Actually, Rob is finding it more difficult than I am. I don't need cold weather or snow. Bethlehem has a Mediterranean climate. You would have been more likely to see a palm tree than a pine tree near the manger. I have found the older I get that the Christmas spirit has nothing to do with the weather or shopping and more of a state of mind, a feeling in the heart, and desire to give and be with friends and family. I've started doing the usual holiday activities with the passing of Thanksgiving. I've worked on Christmas cards, holiday baking, decorating, and shopping this past week. I met with a lady at a local church to try and get involved in working at a soup kitchen, lunch program for local high school kids and various other programs at the church. I've been diving into spiritual readings more and trying to work on spirit along with my mind and body. I find myself liking to do and experience things rather than "get" more "things".
Mary and I went to church today at the First United Methodist Church of Ormond Beach. It is huge compared to my hometown Christ United Methodist Church but everyone was very friendly and welcoming. We went to the Contemporary Service which is earlier and includes big screens, guitars, drums, music videos, a hand bell choir, vocalists etc. in the worship service. I found the music video today excellent which talked about not finding Jesus at the mall. Interesting isn't it how much time we spend at stores during a religious season. In the song/video a boy asks "Where is the line for Jesus as opposed to where is the line for Santa Claus?" The minister also mention the lack of manger scenes and the popularity of everything from lighted deer to multiple inflatables in peoples front yards for the Christmas season. So I started thinking what do our actions, homes, choices say about us during the Christmas season? Where do we spend most of our time? What do we spend our time doing? What do our actions say about us? What do our words say? Have we helped anyone lately? Have we offered words of encouragement? Is there something I can give up to help someone else this holiday season? When was the last time I dropped food off at the food pantry, visited a shut in or a lonely senior citizen, adopted an angel off an angel tree, donated to a worthy cause, bought something for an animal shelter. How many times have I been seen at the mall as opposed to being seen at church or perhaps a soup kitchen or homeless shelter?
This music video made me think so I am sharing it with you
Well said DEBRA. The video was moving for me too.