Monday, December 12, 2011

Reflections and Thoughts

  • It is that time of the year to reflect. Although reflection can be very difficult at times, especially during a time period like this past year that seemed to begin with so much loss, hurt and frustration, reflection and acceptance is necessary to move on to a new positive place. I would like to take credit for much of my advice but I can't. I have gained my knowledge for years from family members, friends, teachers, people I meet everyday and God.  I also have gotten a lot of advice from my psychiatrist, Dr. Nickell, who pushes me to reflect, think, and help myself. I also look to others to ground me and give me inspiration. My cousin. Pam has been a great inspiration to me this year.  She lost her youngest son tragically in February but continues her great devotion to God, her family and friends. There have been times in this past year that I have become very dishearten with mankind and frustrated with how things seem to be playing out in life. I would stop and tell myself', "If Pam can get up and face another day, so can you." I have a great deal of contact through my blog and facebook with former students. I want all of them to be prepared that life is not always easy, make that most of the time, and bad things can and will happen. In marriage, there is a reason for that part about "for better and worse", "richer and poorer".  You will experience it all. Life is a journey. It isn't a competition and when you get to my age you realize stuff is just that, stuff.  You aren't always going to be young and that middle age thing sneaks up on you before you know it, so appreciate your knees, hips, and flexibility now. Start taking care of yourself now. You will be glad when you are fifty that you did. Remember to focus on your body, mind and soul.  Consider worshiping God in whatever religion you choose. Be a good person. Help someone everyday less fortunate than you. Don't waste money on designer anything. Be your own designer. Step up to the plate on your responsibilities. Raise your kids with tough love. Don't give them everything they want. Read to your children, help them with homework. Get off your computer once in awhile and read a real book.  Don't use profanity on facebook. Pretend like you are seating in my class at school. Be intelligent because you are. Shop at a thrift store or Goodwill once in awhile because you are helping someone else. Save money, pay off your charge card each month. Live beneath your means if you ever want to have money when that chance for your dream comes along. Take your kids on educational trips and vacations. Your kids will grow up quickly and you don't get a second chance to raise them so try and do it right the first time. Plant a garden or flowers. Have traditions. Send cards. Be a good and faithful spouse. Enjoy the arts. Share your talents. Walk in the rain. Play in the snow. Swim in the ocean. Fish in the river. Hike in the woods. Lay on the ground and look at the stars, Count your blessings. Say thank you and please. Be grateful. Call your parents. Visit your grandparents. Stay in touch with your old teachers. Give to charities. Volunteer. Adopt a pet from an animal shelter and take  good care of it. Donate to food banks. Help at your child's school in someway. Don't lie. Remember to learn from your mistakes and reflect and take joy in what you do that is right. And always remember, you don't know where you might run into Mrs. Morell.

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