Thursday, December 12, 2019

What I Want for Christmas

What I Want for Christmas

1. To see family
2. A Christmas miracle for my friend Chris
3. An End to the opiod epedemic
4. An End to gun violence
5. Healing for my friend's Mom
6. Safe travels for all, over the holidays
7. Protection of all first responders
8. A bright and loving holiday to kids in foster care
9. For no one to be hungry on Christmas or any day of the year
10. Eyes and hearts to open to see and ease others suffering
11. For people to give to and support animal shelters
12. To be a role model for kindness
13. For humans to love, protect and appreciate nature and animals
14. For parents to love and nuture their children
15. To believe and practice goodness and kindness
16. For homelessness to end
17. For those in political power to forgo self-importance  and power trips and work for the common
      working class
18. To have faith and believe in something loving and bigger than any human
19. To have acceptance and understaning of the human race
20. Peace and Goodwill for 2020