Friday, December 31, 2010

Thoughts for the 2011

New Year's Eve took on a totally new meaning for me 24 years ago with the birth of my baby boy Justin. Rob and I started centering our day around Justin and his birthday instead of the usual celebration or party. This evening I think what should I focus on in the year to come? Many of us each year start the new year with resolutions that generally focus on us. Quit smoking, loose weight, exercise more. Not that those are not noble undertakings and a couple of those I need to put on my list again this year. I just feel I need to do more this year. I want to expand those resolutions to reach out and help others. It seems that at the beginning of each new year we become very self absorbed on our own goals and resolutions, which is OK if we don't forget the rest of the world. Every year I make a resolution to loose weight and get in shape. It works for awhile. This year I'm going to make some of the same resolutions but not only for myself but for others too. Justin wants his mother around for a few more years and has demanded I get in better shape. Maybe we need to think of others this year when making that list of things to do in the new year. Is the extra food, lack of exercise, alcohol, cigarettes, complaining, making excuses, and other bad habits more important than the people in your life that love you? I also want to spend more time helping others to improve their lives. Could this be the year that we all pay it forward, that we do the right thing, that we focus on those we need us the most, that we do the right things for the right reasons, and start a ripple of waves for goodness. May your New Year's Eve be enjoyable, safe, and reflective. Happy Birthday Justin. I love you. Be safe.


  1. Enjoy your reflections this evening. Let me know what you resolve and I will help you in any way I can to maintain your resolve.

  2. Thanks for sharing Debra and Happy New Year. I'm glad you started this blog.
