Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year???

I had this conversation with Rob today about not getting this New Year's thing. His reply was "Debra, what is there to not get? Millions of people have been celebrating the New Year for thousands of years on this day?"  My reply was, "So does that means it's right?"  Maybe it is my love of warm, sunny months but spring, or maybe because I am a teacher, September could be the new year. I just don't get January. It is winter. It is cold. It is dark. Not a motivating time of the year to start anything new. Maybe that is why my diet and exercise plan never works. It is difficult to walk on ice and snow in the dark. At the end of a school day in the winter, I just want to curl up on the couch by the fire and sleep. It is difficult to start any outdoor projects in the winter. Does it sound like I'm making excuses? I think not. My doctor the other day asked me why it is difficult for me to exercise in the winter. I tried to explain that it is too cold outside. He asked me why I don't go to a gym. I tried to one more time explain that it is cold outside and to get to the gym I have to go outside and get in my car. He then asked me about exercising at home. I informed him that I had donated my exercise equipment to the gym. There are things that make perfect sense to me that nobody else seems to get, like why can't the New Year start in the spring?

1 comment:

  1. Debra, you should shine in the darkness, not wait for the the light!
