Saturday, January 22, 2011


A beautiful sunny morning like this one helps me define faith. I think once a person understands and has faith their life becomes much easier. I haven't always had faith. I don't mean faith as in religion or belief in God but everyday ordinary faith. Faith that good out weighs bad. Faith that spring will come again. For me faith has come with age. Faith comes, I think, with life's experiences. Faith requires some patience.  I watch my son at times and he reminds me so much of myself at his age. Everything seems to take forever, life seems frustrating, very impatient, and people cannot react quick enough for his demands.  I remember that feeling that if it doesn't happen now, it will never happen. I think my faith has grown not so much do to wisdom of age but more to the aging process its self. Day after day, week after week, year after year of seeing things eventually working out, the feeling of renewal each spring with the first sight of a crocus popping out of the snow, the slow but eventual healing that takes place after you loose someone you love. I think faith like many things in life take time. I think each experience in life helps define us and gives us the chance to develop those desirable traits of faith, patience, honestly, dependability, kindness, etc. My faith has grown as I've seen my town and its people survive and come back after a devastating flood.  My faith has grown as I've seen troubled youth grow up and become productive citizens. My faith has grown when someone steps up to defend someone weaker or less fortunate than themselves. As I take a moment now and then to look out the window as I write, I have faith that this glorious sunny day will be one of many to come. I have faith that bad times will be followed by good, lean times with days full of riches, days of healing will follow days of illness.  I have faith that my students will grow and develop into loving parents and productive citizens, my son will learn faith as I have and his children as he will.

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