Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christina Taylor Green

What have we become? Christina Taylor Green, 9 years old, born on 9/11. Maybe it is because I am surrounded by 9 year olds every day or maybe because it is all so sad and pointless, but I can't stop thinking about Christina today and the other victims of the Arizona shootings this weekend. Why does a country that has so much hate so  much?  Why do so many people think they are better than other people? Why are people so judgemental? I find it strange that America was built on being accepting of differences yet now we are killing each of because of our differences. Young Christina, a student council member, attends a political rally of a Congresswoman to see how the political system works in America and never comes home to her mother and father. So, we have a young man so upset with the American political system that he takes fire on a Congresswoman and an innocent crowd of young and old Americans. There are many topics that everyone needs to look at this week, health care, mental health care, politicians, political parties, guns, cooperation, tolerance, acceptance, compassion, being judgemental, religion, conservative, liberal, the list goes on. One thing will all know is the Americans died this weekend needlessly. Americans died at a supermarket in Arizona killed by a young American. A 22 year old, white, American male, unemployed, living with his parents, seen wearing a hoodie, listening to an I-pod, walking a dog. It could of been anywhere?  So, I think here was someone who needed mental health care that probably didn't get it because he was young, unemployed, but to old to be on his parents insurance. Someone that need health care killed people over someone trying to get people health care. Does anyone else see this? Why do we think we can judge who is worthy of health care? Why do some of us think we and our kids are more deserving than everyone else? Believe me I see it and hear it everyday. Comments about who people think are deserving and why? I sometimes see why things happen because people constantly turn their heads and walk away. Did someone not notice this young man needed help. I see this everyday. Kids ignored, people made to feel undeserving, older people neglected, yet we are so surprised when something happens. Until EVERYONE CARES ABOUT EVERYONE, until EVERYONE BECOMES LESS JUDGEMENTAL, until EVERYONE STAYS AND TRYS TO HELP INSTEAD OF WALKING AWAY, until COMPASSION, TRUST, FAITH, and COOPERATION return to America there will be more Christina Taylor Greens.


  1. Thank you for making a positive difference for the 9 year olds in your class and their parents and families. If each of us reaches those we can touch, it will be taken care of...less government all around.

  2. People that kill people in cold blood all have something mentally wrong with them. They are tormented by the devil. There is a spiritual side that is not seen or understood by most. Prince of powers in the air. You noticed you always hear these people say a voice in there head told them to do it. That voice is the devil. People wonder why things are so bad, why the world's economy is bad, why people are getting new sicknesses, diseases and new super bugs that there are no cures for. Mothers and Fathers killing there children and Children killing there parents. Earthquakes and floods in divers places. The whole earth is in turmoil. Everybody is unsure of what is going to happen next. People are wicked. There is no fear God anymore. People say and do as they please and do not think of the end result. This is all going to come to a head some day, when the lord himself will step out on a cloud and rapture his church away. I'm preparing myself for that time, because I believe it's not far off.
