Monday, January 31, 2011

One of those days!!!

Have you ever had one of those days when everything and everyone irritated you to no end? Well, today was one of those days. First, it is Monday. I hate Monday. I hate defrosting my car. I hate that there are no parking spaces. I hate the parking lot is like an ice skating rink. Second, the weather is cold and dreary. Third, some of the kids didn't do their homework or snow day packets. AGAIN!!! I am so sick of 30 years of excuses. Please just stop at "I didn't do it." To the student who asked if you are in the hospital is that an OK excuse?  The answer is NO! What do you  think those pull up lap desks are for in a hospital room? Please (for just one day) can everyone stay out of  my room, leave me alone, don't talk to me. I can not be listening and talking to a bunch of adults, who have their own jobs to do, while I'm trying to teach. I'm sorry but the older I get most days I really don't care who is mad at who in Preston County, who got a DUI or who is pregnant. Classrooms are not meant for inside recess. I don't think we have been outside for recess since October. Very irritating. By noon today, I really wish I had worn my tee shirt my brother David got me that says. "I'm surrounded by stupid people". I've had my picture taken with this tee shirt on with more than one administrator. I hate dirty cars that are covered with winter salt and dirt. I hate when I brush up against them. I hate meetings. I hate driving home in a cold, rain in the dark. I found today to be a very irritating day. I think I should probably just stay home on days when I feel irritated, but this time of year I find just having to get out of my warm bed irritating. I find people telling me good morning irritating. I don't want to be nice when I'm irritated. Many people irritate me so I'm irritated most of the day. I was thinking about becoming a greeter at Walmart but the idea of having to greet people irritates me. Thanks for listening ,and have a nice day.


  1. Don't tell ME to have a nice day!!! Nice day yourself!! LOL And I guess I won't be stopping in to say hello any more. :(

  2. LOL If no one irritated you what would you have entertained us with?
    I think you need a long weekend at the beach:)

  3. Take those irritating grains of sand and make pearls of wisdome! Thanks for sharing. Have your own good day...sunshine!
