Sunday, January 23, 2011

Please keep that information to yourself.

Recently one of my doctors pointed out to me that 25 M&M's are considered a serving (100 cals.). That information he really could of kept to himself because he kind of ruined eating M&M's for me. I like to or I should say use to like to eat M&M's directly from those 1 lb. bags. The same man told me that many of my favorite things to do are probably addictions. He also informed me that the medication I was blaming for my weight gain, doesn't cause weight gain. There really are things that I wish people would keep to themselves and let me live in peace in my nice little delusional world. Tanning beds! I really liked tanning beds. I like that warm, sunny, laying out feel, that sun kissed look, those few quiet peaceful moments feeling like I was somewhere tropical. TANNING BEDS CAUSE AGING AND SKIN CANCER. That was something else someone ruined for me. I tried to convince my family doctor to put a tanning bed in his office so I could use it while waiting for him to see me. I guess you know how that went. This morning I was reading online about how many calories the free food at restaurants contain, but wait I love those cheddar biscuits at Red Lobster, the endless bread sticks at Olive Garden, the big bag of fries at Five Guys. Why do people take such pleasure in ruining my pleasures? I think over the years how many things I have given up. I use to drink Diet Pepsi endlessly. One of my doctors made me give all but one Diet Pepsi up a day. He had the nerve to tell me I was addicted to caffeine. Now caffeine is a bad thing. I can have decaffeinated, but that I really should stop drinking so much diet pop. Have you ever noticed the only things anyone ever tells you to do more of are the things you don't want to do. Exercise, eat broccoli, get organized, go to the dentist, and wear sunscreen. Rob tells me I'm on the computer too much. David thinks I'm too demanding. Justin thinks I should pay more attention to him. Some information people just really need to keep to themselves because I really like my little delusional world where eating M&M's in the tanning bed is a good thing.


  1. I know how you feel. Too many of the things I like I can't do anymore because of my diabetes and the meds I am on to keep it under control. I'm not supposed to have ANY alchohol, no sugar, no regular pop, low carbs only. But i love french fries, I love a good drink now and again. I have adjusted to only drinking diet pop, but now i'm not even supposed to have that because it supposedly makes you gain weight. I agree that there are some things I just don't want to hear.

  2. But they are only telling you these things because they want you to continue to be a part of their lives. They would miss your sunny optimism!

  3. You can't eat M&Ms in the tanning bed anyway.
