Saturday, June 11, 2011

Midnight Escape

I spent all day Thursday at Mom and Dad's washing clothes, organizing and complaining about my brothers, which left me little time to finish up packing for Florida. I did accomplish this and my well thought out and very precise schedule of events was flowing impeccably. Then Rob got up. Rob thinks you can accomplish 3 hours of activities in 30 minutes.  We have argued about this for years and of course I am always right, but never make a point of it.  So, he wanted to get up  at 5:30.  Brandy had already ordered me to pick her up at 6:00 and not to be late.  She obviously has spent too much time with me this last year. I woke up 2 hours early, instinctively knowing, that 30 minutes wasn't enough time to accomplish our morning tasks and then proceeded to work flawlessly through my mental list of last details.  I got Midnight into the house and ready for the trip, except for  giving him his mild sedative for the trip.  My family and friends tend to function better mildly sedated at all times, even our pets. Rob's job was to sedate Midnight and place last minute items in the car. He gave Midnight his "happy pill" and then proceeded to ACCIDENTALLY let the medicated cat outside. I went mildly berserk. Rob preceded to catch Midnight with a plate of food. Midnight is not stupid. He takes after me. Rob leaped for Midnight who had started for the food plate. Midnight ran and Rob ended up splattered face down, spread eagle on our driveway. At this point, I had a few choice words for Rob, which Crysti Hemrick could have heard if she had been out side on her front steps smoking, but she decided to go on the 12 step program for smoking cessation. Of course Crysti decides to quit smoking the morning she could of helped me catch Midnight. I know we only have 7 minutes before we have to pick up Brandy. The next few minutes are crazy.  Rob who came close to body slamming my cat is now headed over the river bank looking for the cat.  I am walking around Burke's house calling him with my soothing voice, Midnight not Rob. Finally, I think tuna.  Midnight loves Tuna, as much as I love mashed potatoes and M&M's. I ordered Rob to get a plate of Tuna. You have to remember Midnight can't be left outside because he is medicated.  I can't go to Florida without Midnight, and at this point I don't know if Rob is going to be allowed to go any place. Finally, after much pleading Midnight is on the porch and herded into the house and his pet carrier.  I sent Rob to get Brandy so she doesn't go berserk because I'm late.  I might add at this point that I could not take my Prozac because I was driving first.  Finally my jewelry, bathing suits, and the snack bag, that Cassie made us for the trip, is in car.  I drive the first 4 hours, take a bathroom break, my Prozac, Zanax, trade seats with Brandy and go to my special place.  When we arrive in Ormond 15 hours later, I comment that the trip went well.  Brandy said "Yea, after you took your meds and passed out."  I have no idea where she has developed that attitude in the last year.

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