Thursday, June 30, 2011

Big Shout Out To Tough Judges and Fourth Grade Teachers

I've been following the Casey Trial, and was actually not that surprised that the young man was stupid enough to give the finger to the attorney on the stand. As a teacher over the years I have been told by children to "F--- Off", "Shut the F--- UP", "F--- You", and given the middle finger, or as the judge said the "sign of affection." I was happy that the judge gave him 6 days in jail and fined him $400.00 plus court costs.  I had Rob watch the replay of the judge giving the young man his judgement and told Rob I thought every parent and child should watch this segment.  Why???  Because I think ALL of us need to return to a certain level of decency. This young man had read the sign, and had the rules explained before court started.  As I watched him say his action was stupid and he was sorry, I sensed that like many young people he thought that was the end of his problem.  As Rob was watching the replay, people's Twitter remarks were flashing across the screen on Channel 6.  Rob said, "Did you read that?" "What?" I said.  Someone just Twittered that the Judge reminded them of their fourth grade teacher. "YES" I said.  "There is another me!"  Most of my former students can attest to my lectures. Lectures that at some point in their lives that they will be held responsible for their actions and Mom and Dad will not be able to get them out of it. I care deeply for my students but part of caring is teaching respect and responsibility.  Too many kids do not think they should be held responsible for any of their actions.  They will tell teachers that they can't do anything to them, that they will tell their parents and get the teacher in trouble. that they are going to sue you, and their parents always get them out of trouble. The young man in court today obviously thought that the sign, the warning, the rules did not apply to him.  Maybe he thought he would just get by with it. Maybe he thought court would be as passive with punishment as the public school system has been in the last 20 years. I don't know what he thought the Judge would do but I don't think he was thinking jail. I'm not totally innocent myself but I know that none of us should really be giving anyone the finger, especially your elementary teacher or an attorney or judge in court.  People do yourself and your kids a favor. Teach them appropriate behavior and the consequences of bad behavior and poor choices and foremost let them suffer consequences before they are say 26 years old giving the finger on national TV in a court room.  One of the last lectures I gave my students before school was out was at the Preston County Courthouse on the fact that there are cameras everywhere. I guess the young man in court today wasn't paying attention when his fourth grade teacher gave that lecture.

1 comment:

  1. teehee...teachers, great teachers may be our last best hope! Go get 'em!
