Thursday, November 10, 2011

Feed Back Accepted

I don't know whether this is pathetic or good but I put myself on a schedule. I was a very scheduled person for years, especially being a teacher. The same thing, at the same time, day after day, year after year. Administrators told you how many minutes to teach each subject, what time of the day, when to start and stop, how long it should take between classes, when you were eating lunch, going to the bathroom, doing your planning, etc. We were required to post our schedules, give a copy to the principal, send copies home with our students and above all follow that schedule by the minute. I said when I retired I would have no schedule. I left Florida the end of July to take care of Mom and Dad. For 3 months I had 12 to 14 hour days, seven days a week. At the end of those three months, I said I planned to do nothing for a month. I flew out of Pittsburgh on Sunday evening, Slept most of Monday and by Tuesday realized I needed a schedule. So folks what do you think? Is this  good or pathetic. My doctors who try very hard to keep me mentally and physically healthy think doing nothing is not for me. One especially is worried.  Some how he feels I won't be happy unless I have a cause or I am helping someone or giving someone "hell".   I have no idea where people come up with these things. On Tuesday I made the following schedule:  Debra’s Schedule

7-8 AM - Breakfast/Facebook/E-mail/Blog

8-9 AM - Morning Beach Walk

9-10 AM - Shower/Hair/Make-up/Dress/Jewelry

10-12 AM -
                Monday - Laundry
                Tuesday - Library
                Wednesday - Shopping
                Thursday - Errands/Appointments
                Friday - Housework 

12-1 PM - Lunch/Tidy up the kitchen

1-2 PM - Meditation Garden/Devotions/Readings

2-3 PM - Writing

3-4 PM - Nate Berkus Show

4-5 PM - Dr. Oz

5-5:30 PM - Dinner Prep

5:30-6:00 PM - Dinner

6:00-7:00 PM - Relax/News

7:00-8:00 PM - Gym

8:00-10:00 PM - TV/Read/Relax/Shower

10:00 PM - Bed

By Wednesday, after cleaning and rearranging the living room, I realized maybe someone was right and I needed some volunteer work in the schedule or "giving back" time, so I started looking for places to volunteer yesterday. Today, I'm trying to keep to my schedule, which Justin thinks is impossible.  Did he not notice I worked, raised him and did many other things?  Believe me!  I kept a schedule.  Maybe not as rigid as Julie's schedule but I kept a schedule. Feed back will be accepted on my schedule.  I probably won't listen to anyone, but feedback will be accepted. You know somethings just never change.

1 comment:

  1. Good enough schedule as long as your realize that unless you give everyone else a copy of it, they are going to mess it up for you!
    1 - 3 could be your give back time on some days...
