Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Can there ever be justice for Caylee?

Even if Casey had been proven guilty, I don't feel that there would ever be justice for Caylee.  Is there ever really justice for the dead person, especially a very young and innocent child?  How can there be? The trial is over and the verdict is not guilty, due in most part, probably because of reasonable doubt. Many of us thought and still think she is guilty. The jury did not look at Casey when the verdict was read some are assuming that possibly they, the jury, aren't sure either. Just not enough evidence. I'm here in Florida and the majority of residents here feel that she is guilty. So where does it go from here. She will be sentenced for lying to law enforcement on Thursday, but has already served three years so could possibly go free. Not that I care but how will her parents react to a daughter that was charged with killing their grand daughter, accused her brother and father of sexual abuse, said her mother left the pool ladder up, lied and lied and lied. I still and always will question a mother who can party when her child is "lost".  Casey Anthony was not a good mother. So what now for all of us. One, HOLD ALL PARENTS ACCOUNTABLE!!!!!    Two, OUR SOCIETY needs to stop glamorizing teenage pregnancy, and unwed mothers with TV shows. Three, if anyone sees poor parenting try and INTERVENE IN SOME WAY.  The truth is I've witnessed injustice to children my entire life, not to the degree of the injustice in Caylee's life, but everyday children are born into some very undesirable environments and endure unbearable circumstances. Some parents deny, neglect, and, or abuse their children.  Some parents choose to spend very little quality time with their children. Some parents put their children in dangerous situations, and some of us sit by and do nothing. Flowers and mementos are being placed where Caylee laid in the swamp for months. Some people have driven long distances to see the place her remains were found. Maybe it is time we all become involved before the fact instead of after the fact, when it comes to children. I've heard people say, it is their child therefore it is their business.  If this is true, why are we all so upset about Caylee?  I have also experienced many people who worry about their kids and maybe even their family and friends kids but really could care less about other children, who may need them the most.  So are we all a little guilty when some thing happens to a child? I guess the Anthony family didn't neighbor like we do in my small hometown because wouldn't  a neighbor have noticed that Casey was always home when she was suppose to be at work. I'm pretty sure I would ask someone what they wanted a shovel for and did they need help with something? Maybe if parents thought someone else was watching, cared, and wasn't afraid to get involved things could be different for some children. Let's face it some people have no business being parents. There are irresponsible parents. There are parents, like Casey, who are too busy having fun to be parents. Let's all take our hurt, shock, and anger over this case and use it in a positive way to be there for our children, grand children, and other people's children, also.  Hug your children tonight, and on a final note in Caylee's memory buy nothing, watch nothing, and read nothing that will financially benefit Casey Anthony, instead help a child in need.


  1. Ok that made me tear up. :( So true. Heartbreaking.

  2. Be the change you want to see....

  3. "Maybe it is time we all become involved before the fact instead of after the fact, when it comes to children."

    Well said. Thank you for sharing this.
