Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Best Friend Kim

Kim is my best friend because she has been my friend forever. We have been best friends since she moved next door when Charlotte, Charlene and Brenda Hart moved to Bridgeport. Kim and I were in the same class at Rowlesburg School. We share things that other people never shared with us and are probably happy they didn't. First, we had this song we sang every evening when we went inside for the evening. It went something like this ...... See you tomorrow, tomorrow morning, 5 after 8 in the morning, when we'll be together all day long in that prison, prison, prison camp.  You guessed it prison camp was school and I'm still there.  Kim isn't.  School started at 8:30. Guess what?  Preston County Schools came up with this really novel idea of starting school next year at 8:30. More about me and Kim. We did crazy things. One day we decided to paint part of Kim's parent's house basement. We didn't ask. We just did it.  Then there were those summer camp outs.  How can we forget the night that Kim fell in the river during a sleep out and we went to the laundromat to dry her clothes? She stood in the corner in her underwear while her clothes went round and round.  I cant remember where we got the money for the machines. Kim and I can still make each other laugh until we cry. We use to swim in the river together.  Kim worried about her hair. I didn't. We walked to town together and bought candy. We rode our bikes together. Kim use to talk to me about all her boyfriends and made me watch for them to come outside in our neighborhood. I thought she was crazy then and I still do.  Kim once informed me that she was never going to "do it".  I guess she did because she has two kids. We use to fish behind our houses in Rowlesburg in the Cheat River and catch the same fish over and over. It seemed fun.  Kim still fishes and told me I have to fish with her when I retire. We use to do dumb things at school.  I know that is hard to believe but we did.  One day when a teacher was out of the room, Kim crawled under his desk and then made faces at us when he came back in the room.  It took awhile for him to realize that she was missing. Our teenage years were interesting to say the least but the is a blog all of its own. For now let's just say there were lots of trips up the road to Cool Springs, Big Bob's, and the Roller Rink. We attended each others weddings.  Kim was a bridesmaid in mine. We've watched our kids grow up and now Kim has a grandchild. On my dresser in the bedroom is a picture of Kim and me in first grade in a frame that says Best Friends.  We have on little plaid dresses and short blonde hair. We look happy. Kim gave me that frame with the photo on my 50th birthday. I don't know where the years have gone but we can still make each other laugh like it was yesterday.

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