Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best left to professionals

I'm one of these people who is constantly torn between do it yourself and let the professionals do it. The older I get the more I tend to say "let's get someone professionally to do it."  First, haircuts and coloring, better left to professionals. There have been times in my life when the first thing Rob said when he walked in the door was "Cut your own hair again, didn't you?"  To this day, I'm not sure how he knew. Second, dental work. NO comment  needed here, but I will add that my endodontist is hot. Third, home repairs and remodeling are better left to the professionals, and from my experience the best thing is to go on a vacation and come back to the finished project. If you have to be present, as I was when work was being completed on our house in Florida, I advise to grab a drink and a good friend, your beach chairs and sit in the sun and watch. I'm sure the contractor in Florida enjoyed my company and comments. Plus, he wasn't too bad to look at either. Fourth, medical care. Although, I think since Web MD, I am capable of diagnosing most things.  I am still unable to prescribe drugs (legally) so I have found my family doctor and shrink most useful. Fifth, plumbing and electrical work. Need I say that electricity and water don't mix. Sixth, taxes. I hate to pay them and hate to do them, so I never have.( I do pay taxes.)  Seventh, fingernails. There is nothing better than a professional manicure. Eighth, car wash. I use to like to do this on a sunny summer day, until I found Sparkle Shine.  I sit in an air conditioned room with a Diet Pepsi and watch young guys, wash, polish, vac, and detail the inside of my vehicle. I always pick the Pina Colda air freshener when they give me a choice on how I want the vehicle to smell when they are finished.  Ninth, pet care. I love my Midnight, only the best for him.  Tenth, clothes/fashion. I could make my own clothes, but I think Rob would know.

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