Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I do have a life

I do have a life Chris and anyone else who doesn't understand why I don't post or blog everyday. First, I have this thing called a job. It is teaching, so sometimes it is endless. This week I'm trying to get kids caught up on work they have missed while being out sick for days or weeks. I also have technology assignments that have to be graded. I have bus duty after school and various meetings. I generally leave the house around 7 and usually never get home until 5 or later. I generally bring something related to school home to do at night.  Second, my parents depend on Rob and me for shopping, laundry, etc. I spend hours doing things for them. Third, there is Justin. Anyone who knows Justin and his demands know at this point, that I need not explain anymore. Fourth, the house, we all know every thing women have to do around the house. Fifth, family obligations. Sixth, spending time with friends. (Yes, I do have friends.) Some of my friends are annoying like you Chris. Seventh, sleep. Eight, picking out jewelry and clothes for the next day  I know I am funny, amusing and entertaining on FB and my blog, but honestly there are times that I don't feel like being any of the above. There are days that I find everyone and everything ANNOYING. I would write on those days but it wouldn't be pleasant, or even less pleasant than usual. Honestly, there are days that I just think I'm boring and have nothing to say. I know having nothing to say will come as a shock to some of you, but really there are times I have nothing to say. There are times that I think about writing about things but I think it will be too controversial. Lately, if I have a moment, I like to just sit and think about the beach. Sometimes I think that people have to be sick of listening to me by now. I mean it is M&M's, suntan lotion,  jewelry, chocolate,  flip flops, David, my kids at school, Rob, stupid people, administrators, etc. over and over again. How much is one person expected to read about my issues?  But for you Chris and all the others out there, I will try and blog daily, even if I resort to telling you what I had for dinner and who all annoyed me today.

1 comment:

  1. Every day is way too big a committment for me and my blog...but I don't have pesky friends, like you do! :-0
