Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie, my friend

How can I not write about Julie today. It is her birthday. She told me this morning that it is her 49th, but I could swear she said that last year. Her husband Mark and I are the same age.  The infamous Class of 76. He graduated from Kingwood High and me from Rowlesburg High. I don't remember Julie from those high school years because she was younger. Julie and I met while working at Central Preston Middle School. Our rooms were side by side and we were on the Related Arts Team together. I think our common interests brought us together. We both think everyone but us are stupid and annoying. It is good to have friends that share common interests. We also both knew how to kayak. We are both out spoken. I love Cher. Julie loves MaDonna and we both like Lady GAGA.  Anyway, so our friendship began.  We kayaked a couple of times together, rode bikes some, and took middle school age kids on trips from New York City to Washington, DC and in between. Julie is wild and crazy. I am calm and conservative. We balance each other very well. So we do things together that no one else will do with us, like go to a MaDonna concert, take middle school kids to downtown New York City, and feed deer Cheetos.  The deer feeding Cheetos incident took place at a conference  at Cannan Valley.  We also had a rather large bonfire that night made by a Kingwood Volunteer fireman, who will remain nameless.  I must add that Julie and I get blamed for many things we have never done but that is part of the mystic of our friendship. Julie's daughter and my son are the same age so we have shared many of their school adventures and activities together. Julie exercises everyday and I think about it. We both like Coors Light in bottles when we exercise. We both color our hair. We both drive our husband's crazy. We both get annoyed by everything and everyone easily. Neither of us are complainers. I wear sunscreen. Julie doesn't. She is the peanut butter to my jelly.  We love Sex in the City and making up stories and fictional companies. I would do anything for her like picking out pageant jewelry at 7 o'clock in the morning and holding it up to the light so she can see if it sparkles enough. Julie will do anything for me, like letting me use her beach house until I could get my own.  So Happy Birthday, Julie. I wish we could be together but better you in Preston County and me here in our beach town if we can't be together.

1 comment:

  1. And that my friends IS true friendship!!!! Could you please call me when you break out the Coors Light?
