Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So really what is important?

What really is important in life? I think the older a person gets the more they ask themselves this question. I ask myself this question often. Watching the news tonight is rather depressing for me. Another state is slashing their education budget to balance the state budget. The news announcer mentioned schools may be closed, teaching positions cut, arts and sports programs eliminated. The budget in our county education system is also making cuts. It is sad. I and many teachers already fund our classrooms and fill in the gaps with needed items that aren't supplied. So what is important in life, if not kids and education, what is important? At night watching TV and doing school work, I see where the rich, celebrities and famous have spent thousands on clothes, millions on homes and I think what just the cost of one of their gowns would buy for my classroom. Maybe I'm crazy but I think about being able to hire someone to strip and wax my classroom floor. I think of the millions that some have and how they could fund a field trip and really wouldn't miss the money at all. How many closets full of clothes do people need?  How many rooms in a mansion is enough? Do people become so removed from the reality of life in public schools that they really don't have any idea what daily life is like there? Maybe after almost thirty years I'm tired. Maybe after thirty years I just don't understand what others think is important or why?

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